Because of our strict student to teacher ratio, the student must miss a class before it can be made up. There is no guarantee that space will be available in all classes. No makeups will be allowed if the student is not currently enrolled and current on payments. If your gymnast misses a scheduled makeup, they do not receive a makeup for the makeup. There will be makeups for holiday/weather closures. Regular session makeups do not roll over into summer session and summer session makeups stay within the summer session. The student must schedule their makeup within the same type of class, tumbling make ups cannot be scheduled in girls rec classes. Makeups cannot be banked and used as free months. Makeups are not transferable.
All Students will be charged an anniversary fee upon initial registration. This fee is valid for one year regardless of enrollment status and will be charged each year on the anniversary month if the child is enrolled.
PARENTS MUST NOTIFY THE GYM TO DROP A STUDENT FROM CLASS. Only a written notice via email, regular postal mail or hand delivered to our front desk will be acceptable. We must receive notice before the 1st of the month to prevent further charges.
Please note: You are responsible for payment for your student's classes WHETHER OR NOT YOUR STUDENT ATTENDS CLASS until the time you notify the staff VIA WRITTEN NOTICE. Please do not rely on your student to verbally let us know that he/she will no longer be attending classes. If a student stops coming to class without notification then that student's account will be charged for the additional 30 days. This charge will be for holding the student's place in that class instead of offering that place to one of the many on a waiting list. Tuition is non transferable.
Occurs on the 1st of the month. It is required that you have a valid credit card on file. You may elect to pay be cash or check before the 1st of the month.
All weather closings will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts first. Our webpage will be updated with closings and a gym wide email may also be sent out.
Enrollment for a trial class is held for that day only and you can enroll in a class that is different from the day / time you participate in the Trial class. The deposit for the Trial class will be applied toward the Registration / Anniversary Fee. Once enrolled, the spot is held in that class at that time for the remainder of the Session or until you drop the class or switch classes.
To view the full details of our Policies & Procedures, please log into your Parent Portal account, or click the link below. You may also request a copy in writing.